Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Bible Contradictions/Factual Errors (?)

The assertion that Scripture is false because it contradicts itself is not a new concept. Since the earliest centuries of Christianity there have been those who claim that Scripture cannot be inspired by God because it contradicts itself or contains errors of geography, or time inconsistencies, or other reasons. But, these perceived errors and contradictions are due to those folks' misunderstanding of the passages cited. Sound exegesis (considering the author, the target audience, the literary genre employed, the time, the place, the culture, the language, worldly events surrounding the writing)reveals that Scripture supports and compliments itself, never contradicting. Augustine addressed this issue back in ~400AD when he said
"...if any one is perplexed by the apparent contradiction, the only conclusion is that he does not understand. Accordingly it remains for me to explain how both passages, instead of being contradictory, may be harmonized by one rule of sound faith. The pious inquirer will find all perplexity removed by a careful examination." (http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/140611.htm)

Here are some links to lists of "errors", and explanations of correct understanding of them...

anti-Biblicans say:

a list of  "contradictions":

a list of "inconsistencies":

an Islamic viewpoint:


Introduction to Bible Difficulties and Bible Contradictions

A rebuttal of the "contradictions" and "inconsistencies"...

Similar to claims of intra-Biblical contradictions, some non-Catholics (usually anti-Catholics) suggest that some Catholic dogmatic teachings or "infallible" papal statements have contradicted other dogmatic statements. These suggestions are ultimately false, however. Like Scriptural "contradictions", context is the key. One contextual aspect of misunderstanding is the translation from the original language into English. Scripture is originally Hebrew and Greek and sometimes there's no direct word or phrase in a modern language to translate a Hebrew or Greek word or phrase. Or, for example, in the older English translation (ie KJV) an English word has different meaning or implication than it does today (ie "meat", "hell"). Likewise, an old Church document translated from Latin into English over a century ago can use the word "worship" regarding treatment of Mary. Back then "worship" did not mean or imply adoring Mary, as we adore/worship God as the source of life/love/salvation, which is the common meaning of "worship" today. It meant only honor and respect, then. (Refer to http://americanberean.blogspot.com/2013/08/honor-veneration-worship-adoration.html). (Popes have stated things that contradicted other popes, but those cases are not "infallible" statements, they are not contradictions of official teachings. Most folks don't understand what infallibility is. It's neither inspiration nor prophecy. It's only the Spirit preventing errors being taught as Truth. The pope is only infallible when addressing the whole Church, as the visible Church leader, on matters of faith or morals. For example, when a pope is addressing one person or region of the Church, even on matters of faith and morals, he is not prevented by the Spirit from erring.)