Friday, December 27, 2019

The Case for Catholicism

The Case for Catholicism, by Trent Horn, puts forth "Answers to Classic and Contemporary Protestant Objections", answering these important questions:

What is my authority?

What is the Church?

How am I Saved?

Who belongs to the Body of Christ?

The significance of this book regards Catholics who have left the Catholic Church, whether to apostacy (rejecting all faith), or in an effort to "find Jesus" (due to assuming He is not found in the Catholic Church) in a different Christian sect.  The question is, is there any reason why these "ex-Catholics" should return to full communion in the Church?

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Jesus' Church: in Scripture & History

The Word of God became a man, a descendant of David, and took His place on the throne and is presently ruling the restored/renewed Davidic kingdom of God, aka kingdom of Israel, kingdom of the LORD, kingdom of heaven (see Samuels, Kings, Chronicles, Psalms, Gospels, Acts).
Jesus called this restored kingdom His Church (Matt16:16ff). His Church is a visible society and a spiritual association, shepherded by men (Apostles, aka Bishops, per KJB) who lead, teach, guard and discipline the kingdom of God on earth. The Apostles were the first, foundational, generation of Bishops and their line of succession is still with us today.

In 2000 years, some of those bishops made some bad judgements/decisions and some were downright bad men who caused suffering among the flock. But, since Jesus promised that Hell would not prevail against His Church, those men were soon replaced with good men. Having such "weeds" among the "wheat" was predicted by Christ, in His parable of the wheat and the tares. So, having bad men among the Church is not a sign that the Church is bad, it actually supports the truth, overall, of the Church, since Jesus predicted it.

As to specific doctrines, practices, behaviors, crimes and judgements, let the discourse begin.... Peace of Christ to you all.

PS - I posted this to host a discussion with a youtuber who commented in our dialog that some part of our discussion was beyond the scope of that discussion. They have not, however, taken me up on this offer to get deeper in discussion on ecclesiology...