Clerical Sexual Offenders in American Catholic Institutions:
Total number of Priests & Bishops in the USA since the 1965: 87,576 ( I arrived at that number by averaging the yearly ordinations listed on the table on that site. It lists 5-year increments, I used the average of those ordinations listed to get a yearly ordination rate and added that to the 1965 number of priests/bishops.
According to, since the mid-20th century...
3,933 (4.5% of all priests & bishops) priests/bishops were ACCUSED of sexual offences.
13 (0.3% of Accused) priests/bishops were ACQUITTED.
69 (1.8% of Accused) priests/bishops were ARRESTED.
21 (0.5% of Accused) priests/bishops were CHARGED.
2 (0.05% of Accused) priests/bishops were CLEARED.
445 (11.3 % of Accused) priests/bishops were CONVICTED.
15 (0.4 % of Accused) priests/bishops were INDICTED.
5 ( % of Accused) priests/bishops were NOT GUILTY/REINSTATED/RET'D TO DUTY.
1279 ( 32.5% of Accused) priests/bishops were SUED.
366 ( 9.3% of Accused) priests/bishops SETTLED to avoid being Sued.
1 priests/bishops sued had SUIT WITHDRAWN.
1,717 (43.7% of Accused) priests/bishops were merely ACCUSED (falsly? ie, no further legal action?) .
Compared to the total number of priests and bishops in the American Church over those years...
4.5% (3,933) of ALL Priests & Bishops were ACCUSED (includes legal actions/verdicts above, including merely accused) of Sexual Offense.
0.5% (445) of ALL Priests & Bishops were actually CONVICTED of Sexual Offense.
1.4% (1,279) of ALL Priests & Bishops were SUED for Sexual Offense.
0.4% (366) of ALL Priests & Bishops SETTLED out of court for Sexual Offense.
2.0% (1,717) of ALL Priests & Bishops were merely ACCUSED for Sexual Offense.
0.4% (366) of ALL Priests & Bishops SETTLED out of court for Sexual Offense.
2.0% (1,717) of ALL Priests & Bishops were merely ACCUSED for Sexual Offense.
Of the Accused 4.5% of the priesthood, almost half of those accusations (43.7%) didn't pan out beyond accusation (at least not as of publication of that table which I am referring). That means a more accurate number for maybe-guilty priests is 3933-1717=2216 = 2.5% of the priesthood. The percentage of the total number of priests, who are proven guilty is 0.5%. Those who were POSSIBLY guilty (sued/settled) tallies at 1.8%. So, assuming (for the sake of argument) that all those who were sued/settled were indeed guilty, the maximum percentage of the priesthood who are sexual offenders is 2.3%.
Another source has a larger number of total priests than my derived figure of 87,576.
"A review by America's Catholic bishops found that about 4,400 of 110,000 priests were accused of molesting minors from 1950 through 2002."
Using that figure, the total ACCUSED is 3.5%, the CONVICTED is 0.4%, the CONVICTED+SUED/SETTLED is 1.8%.
Those sexual offender numbers are from 1965 onward. In the 2000's the Church established policies and procedures to reduce pervert priests among the clerical ranks. Since then, there have been on average per year, 7 credible allegations against priests (who number about 40,000). That means that presently, the number of pervert priests averages about .0002% of all priests in any given year.
Media Predictably Goes Silent As Catholic Abuse Allegations Fall To Lowest Levels
Offenders in Non-Catholic Christian Organizations:
Protestants :
Offenders in Secular Organizations:
Doctors Sexually abusing folks:
Public Schools:
Per as to violence in general:
In 2010, data from the National Crime Victimization Survey23 showed that more victimizations were committed against students ages 12–18 at school than away from school. Students ages 12–18 experienced about 828,400 nonfatal victimizations (theft24 and violent crime25 ) at school,26 compared to about 652,500 nonfatal victimizations away from school (table 2.1). 27 These figures represent total crime victimization rates of 32 crimes per 1,000 students at school and 26 victimizations per 1,000 students away from school.
So, kids are safer out of school than in school.
As to teacher-student sexual abuse,...
"Even when students allege abuse and the district responds, few students, families or school districts report this sexual abuse to the police or other law enforcement officials. As a result, most cases are not logged into the criminal justice system. Instead, abusers are dealt with using internal channels. In
one of my early studies of 225 cases of educator sexual abuse in New York, none of the abusers were reported to authorities, and only 1 percent lost the license to teach."
Sexual predators in Public Schools, when caught, were shuffled around the school system.
For the following article, I don't know who's plagiarizing whom, here... This story is repeated virtually verbatim at each of these sites. It refers to an "Associated Press investigation" on sexual misconduct of public school authority figures (teachers, coaches, principals, etc).
Here's the summary of the AP's study:
But, I haven't found the source data.
Per as to violence in general:
In 2010, data from the National Crime Victimization Survey23 showed that more victimizations were committed against students ages 12–18 at school than away from school. Students ages 12–18 experienced about 828,400 nonfatal victimizations (theft24 and violent crime25 ) at school,26 compared to about 652,500 nonfatal victimizations away from school (table 2.1). 27 These figures represent total crime victimization rates of 32 crimes per 1,000 students at school and 26 victimizations per 1,000 students away from school.
So, kids are safer out of school than in school.
As to teacher-student sexual abuse,...
"Even when students allege abuse and the district responds, few students, families or school districts report this sexual abuse to the police or other law enforcement officials. As a result, most cases are not logged into the criminal justice system. Instead, abusers are dealt with using internal channels. In
one of my early studies of 225 cases of educator sexual abuse in New York, none of the abusers were reported to authorities, and only 1 percent lost the license to teach."
Sexual predators in Public Schools, when caught, were shuffled around the school system.
For the following article, I don't know who's plagiarizing whom, here... This story is repeated virtually verbatim at each of these sites. It refers to an "Associated Press investigation" on sexual misconduct of public school authority figures (teachers, coaches, principals, etc).
Here's the summary of the AP's study:
But, I haven't found the source data.
Two more items supporting the idea that sexual misconduct is at least as prevalant among non-Catholic groups: